The Association of Hungarian Tapestry Artists was invited to Miniature Textile Exhibition in Croatia by the The Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts (ULUPUH). The exhibition at the Balassi Institute in Zagreb opened in April, under curatorship of Nóra Tápai.
Minitextiles BALASSI INSTITUTE, ZÁGREB 04.04.2018.
Ida Lencsés Ferenczy Noémi Prized tapestry artist The opening speech of the vice-president of the Hungarian Tapestry Association
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Exhibitors! The Hungarian Tapestry Association is here for the second time at the Balassi Institute. Last year we introduced you to a representative exhibition and we are very happy to be here again as a result of the first relationship. This year’s joint exhibition has an exciting message. The meeting of Hungarian artists with classical weaving miniature works with the conceptual, experimental textile objects of Croatian artists telling their message about our world today. In Budapest, in April 2017, we organized an international exhibition entitled Kárpit3, which included 35 large-scale works by artists from 17 countries. Members of the association and foreign artists, Golden Gate, have issued 105 pieces of 20×20 centimeters mini textiles as a symbol of co-operation. From this we will present you 32 works. The Hungarian Tapestry Association was founded in 1996 and has expanded to more than eighty members of art organizations, which are considered to be a large number of communities in relation to European practice. It unites and represents the members of our countryliving in Hungary and abroad. The Hungarian Tapestry Association has been a participant and director of more than a hundred international and domestic exhibitions, most notably exhibitions at the Washington Textile Museum in Geneva, at the United Nations headquarters, then at Vancouver, Canada, and at Ceri on the occasion of the Hungarian Cultural Year. As a significant event, the exhibition titled “Transcendental maps” was presented at the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts, where sixty artists took part in the 15th anniversary of the foundation of the Association. With title ”Weaving Codes” our exhibition at the French Institute in Budapest gathered a wild scale and rich presentation of individual works. The Association was organizer and host of the Ist and 2nd large-scale international exhibitions entitled Tapestry 1. and Tapestry II at the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts. After ten years we have organized a conference for the preparation of the exhibition “Apocalypse or Sustainability” and and the third international Tapestry exhibition was held last year in the Vigadó Gallery. We are proud of our exhibition at the Council of Europe House in Strasbourg and our work by honoring the centenary of the Cultural Palace in Târgu Mureş and the Roman Academy of Hungary when it was 20 years for the association and our artists, that is recognition when the Hungarian Pavilion at Milan Expo more than twenty million could see our joint works. Our unique performance is our eight great works together. (Tapestry Without Borders, St. Stephen and his Works, Corvin Tapestries, Transcendental Maps, Duna-Limes, Petőfi – “… wrapped my palms …”, Hommage on Radnóti and Szent László triptych. The monumental upholstery creates opportunities for co-creation, the combining of creative self-righteousness and the compassion of working together. The creation of large-scale works was also made possible by the adoption of looms bearing art history value, which also offered a special tradition for the community. Thus, the Association gained a prominent role in the field of university education, with its value-creating activity, which preserved the material heritage of this genre, preserving its values and practice. The genre of traditional tapestry combines designers, making of the carton and weavers’ practice, this practice is cultivated by the association of professional artisans of the genre and representing the possible forums. Similarly, we pay close attention to the issue of mini textiles. Creating mini textiles is a creative challenge, and the small size creates a special situation for the artist. This genre allows us to attempt a sudden idea, whether it is graphic or spatial. With the celebration, we hereby invite the members of the Association of Croatian Artists of Applied Art (ULUPUH) to visit us in Budapest and to look at the construction of our newly built Szent László tapestry and to think together about a new exhibition. Thank you ULUPUH to undertake the works of the joint exhibition catalog and the poster design and production. I express my special thanks to the creation of the exhibition Anna Anna Szlanyinka, a cultural attache and colleagues from the Institute of Balassi, the artists and colleagues of ULUPUH, artists of the Hungarian Tapestry Association, Branka Hlevnjak and Nóra Tápai curators, the directors of the exhibition: Branka Hlevnjak, Tanja Grgurina Vucetic, Eszter Kneisz and Nóra Tápai, Tibor Kovács to the MANK Art Advisor, the patrons of the exhibition and the supporting organizations. Allow me to introduce the Hungarian exhibitors being present here: Hajnal Baráth, Hajnal Ipacs, Kiss Kati, Máder Indira, Eszter Kneisz, Ida Lencsés, Lívia Pápai, Eleonora Pasqualetti, Éva Sipos, Judit Székelyi, Nóra Tápai, Katalin Zelenák.
TAPESTRY 3 The Association of Hungarian Tapestry Artists and the Hungarian Academy of Arts, together with the Museum of Fine Arts, held an international contemporary tapestry exhibition from 13 April to 16 July 2017. All the artists participated in the competition, who made their thoughts in the language of the woven cloth. Tapestry 3 Olvasson tovább
Hungarian Tapestries in the Cultural Palace of Marosvásárhely (Tirgu Mures) celebrating its centenary. Olvasson tovább
Budapest, 2015.04.15.