General terms for “tapestry” are as follows: “Greek: tapes, Latin: tapetum, French: tapisserie (with the exception of those made in the Gobelin workshop, which are called gobelins), German: Wandteppich”- MGY, and Hungarian: kárpit. The Italians and Spaniards call tapestries made in Arras (Flanders) arrazi.
In Hungarian language usage we encounter the expression “carpoltos: kárpit” in the Besztercei Szójegyzék (Beszterce Word List) from c. 1395. This meant ornamental handwoven fabric, which for centuries had been used to cover walls and openings in walls.-LE
“The woven wall tapestry created in our century is different only in its function. Its technology is exactly the same as that of the wall tapestry.”Pj The tapestry was always an independent genre which could be appraised as an art work meeting aesthetic requirements, too. It reflected the mentality of eras and periods, making statements, in wool, in accordance with the rules of the weaving technique. It was a remarkable moment of the XXth century history of tapestry art, when the process of the planning and realization became unified. This was the way, how Noemi Ferenczy unified phases of the design, creating the cartoon, selection of threads, colours and the quality of the wools, and the technical realization.This creative habitus became general among the Hungarian artists. “On the one hand it is more laconic and more abstract than painting, but on the other it is entirely concrete from the point of view of material. It is made from natural materials, more slowly than with any procedure used in the fine arts. In the mystery of its technique everything is lost that is contingent, garrulous and superficial”.MK “It had its designers, famous painters and graphic artists in particular periods, but a tapestry itself is not the creation of a single artist, rather the product of the joint work of designer, design-drawer and weaver. Even in the initial period of tapestry weaving, certain weaving centres, workshops and masters were much in demand and enjoyed great respect. From the 16th century onwards tapestries were supplied with so-called master’s marks.